Sunday, April 8, 2012

Windy night

I could hear the strong wind outside my 11th floor NYC hotel room as I prepared to go to bed.  I liked the sound.  It was like the sound of the rain, which I love to sleep to.  So I went to sleep.  It got cold though, so I woke up several times during the night.  Eventually I realized that the heat was off...  so i turned it on.  That helps a lot.

In the early morning I couldn’t sleep very late because of the sound of the cars outside the building, so I got out of bed and started working.  It was a bit loud, and it was much colder the room than I thought was reasonable.  But I wore warm clothing and kept working.  It wasn’t until later that morning that I realized that the window was open!   Hence the unusual level of noise and cold throughout the night…

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