Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Haircuts are overrated

I hadn't gotten a haircut for longer than usual, and then Allison went abroad for almost a month, which bought me a lot more time avoiding a haircut.  So I hadn't gotten a haircut in well over two months.  Then two things happened:

Our friends Mike and Esther had us over for dinner (delicious!) and Esther asked me whether I had just woken up (given my messy hair).  Then we started talking about my hair and how I had let it grow because when short Allison would complain that it was too short, and now I didn't know what to do with it because she was complaining it was messy.  Then Mike, half-spaced out, asked for clarification as to whether my hair right now was right before or right after a haircut.  Esther laughed vigorously of how clueless her husband was given how bad my hair looked.

So the following weekend I got a haircut while Allison was out in SF, not telling her, to see what happened.  When she returned, we walked over to town, had a very nice dinner together and walked back.  She never noticed that I had gotten a haircut, after so much complaining.  That was on a Saturday.  Today is Tuesday night and she still hasn't noticed.

Lesson reinforced: haircuts are overrated.

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