Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Miracle keynote

Wow, what absentmindedness today!  One of those days.

I dropped off Fran & Rich at the airport and then clicked on my phone calendar appointment for my GPS o take me to the address where I was giving a keynote that afternoon.  It surprised me that it was in Dallas, as I thought it was near the airport, but I went with it.  I searched for a Chipotle near the hotel where I was going, had lunch there, and then headed to the hotel.

When I got to the hotel, I asked Guest Services where this event was and they didn't have record of it, so I emailed the organizers to ask the name of the room and sat down to work in the lobby.  An hour later, I got emails and calls from the organizers saying the event is not in Dallas, it was in Grapevine, 30 minutes away (and near the airport).  They had changed it and notified me and I recall seeing that notification but I must not have updated my calendar...

So I went to Grapevine, which took me 45 minutes with some traffic, got there, parked the car, and realized I had locked the car with my keys in it.  Luckily I had my backpack and sports jacket with me outside the car, so I had what I needed to deliver the keynote.

I went upstairs and was setting up and couldn't find my clicker as it was not in its usual place (which, believe it or not, is very unusual).  My host didn't have one either and was going to start asking around but then I found it in my backpack lose where it shouldn't be.

So we got things ready in time.  I delivered the keynote.  Believe it or not, I didn't fall or do anything silly in the middle of my talk.  Then I had dinner at the event (I walked out for a few minutes in the middle of dinner to meet the AAA car who opened my car), and when I was done with dinner I went downstairs, got in my car, and got ready to leave, before realizing I had left my backpack & computer upstairs.

Long day... I'm glad it's over.

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